
Beauty iFrame (version 1.9.148)

What is Beauty iFrame?

Beauty iFrame is an in-browser real-time augmented reality make-up web-app. The web-app allows for a fast, realistic live try-on experience on mobile or desktop directly from a brand’s web page.

Demo Try Me!

Browser Support

Holition Beauty’s virtual makeup engine (FaceSDK) depends on many modern Web-APIs which are not implemented by all browsers. The AR experience also depends on access to the device camera to operate.

Minimum Specification

The following are the minimum specifications required to operate:


Camera Access

The user must grant the web-app access to their camera to allow the experience to operate. A pop-up provided by the browser will be presented to the user upon initialisation.


The user can sign in to our Beauty Portal and use it for iFrame setup or choose manul way.

- Using Portal

Follow our Video Tutorial for installation

- Manual

To install the experience onto an existing web-page simply cut and paste the following HTML snippet into your page:

<iframe frameBorder="0" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;" allow="camera" src="https://<DEPLOYMENT-URL>?cms-client-id=<CMS-CLIENT-ID>&license=<LICENSE>"</iframe>

The HTML code inserts a configurable iFrame element into the page. In effect placing a virtual makeup experience into a resizable window onto your site.

Getting Started

There are two parts to setting up your virtual make-up experience. First the look and feel of the experience. Second the make up products and looks available to the users within.

Step 1. Configuring the Experience

The iFrame element allows for direct control over certain features and launch configurations of the web-app. These configurations are performed via URL parameters provided to the iFrame src attribute as follows:

<iframe frameBorder="0" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;" allow="camera" src="https://<DEPLOYMENT-URL>?cms-client-id=<CMS-CLIENT-ID>&configuration-id=<CONFIG-ID>&license=<LICENSE>&locale=<LOCALE>&identifier-type=<TYPE>&identifier-value=<VALUE>&range-id=<RANGE-ID>&looks=<BOOLEAN>&features=<OPTION>&carousel=<BOOLEAN>&filter=<BOOLEAN>&product-info=<BOOLEAN>&look-info=<BOOLEAN>&add-basket=<BOOLEAN>&watermark=<BOOLEAN>&vtoggle=<BOOLEAN>&cta-activated=<BOOLEAN>&info-button=<BOOLEAN>&ga-tracking=<BOOLEAN>&static-start=<BOOLEAN>&allow-upload=<BOOLEAN>&hide-scan=<BOOLEAN>&auto-scan=<BOOLEAN>&hide-photo=<BOOLEAN>&model-warmup=<BOOLEAN>&simplify-carousel-info=<BOOLEAN>&range-name=<RANGE-NAME>&beautify=<FILTER-NAME>&timeout=<NUMBER>&photo-start=<BOOLEAN>&light-scan=<BOOLEAN>&crop-thumbnails=<BOOLEAN>"</iframe>

[NB. URL parameters take priority over CMS settings]

To control the look and feel of the virtual experience either:

  1. Add additional parameters to the iFrame element src URL to enable features or launch with specific looks or products set
"aa" | "ab" | "ae" | "af" | "af-za" | "ak" | "am" | "am-et" | "an" | "ar" | "ar-ae" | "ar-bh" | "ar-dz" | "ar-eg" | "ar-iq" | "ar-jo" | "ar-kw" | "ar-lb" | "ar-ly" | "ar-ma" | "ar-om" | "ar-qa" | "ar-sa" | "ar-sy" | "ar-tn" | "ar-ye" | "as" | "av" | "ay" | "az" | "az-cyrl-az" | "az-latn-az" | "ba" | "be" | "be-by" | "bg" | "bg-bg" | "bh" | "bi" | "bm" | "bn" | "bn-in" | "bo" | "br" | "br-fr" | "bs" | "bs-cyrl-ba" | "bs-latn-ba" | "ca" | "ca-es" | "ce" | "ch" | "co" | "cr" | "cs" | "cs-cz" | "cu" | "cv" | "cy" | "da" | "da-dk" | "de" | "de-at" | "de-ch" | "de-de" | "div-mv" | "dv" | "dz" | "ee" | "el" | "el-gr" | "en" | "en-au" | "en-bz" | "en-ca" | "en-gb" | "en-ie" | "en-jm" | "en-nz" | "en-ph" | "en-tt" | "en-us" | "en-za" | "en-zw" | "eo" | "es" | "es-ar" | "es-bo" | "es-cl" | "es-co" | "es-cr" | "es-do" | "es-ec" | "es-es" | "es-gt" | "es-hn" | "es-mx" | "es-ni" | "es-pa" | "es-pe" | "es-pr" | "es-py" | "es-sv" | "es-uy" | "es-ve" | "et" | "et-ee" | "eu" | "eu-es" | "fa" | "fa-ir" | "ff" | "fi" | "fi-fi" | "fj" | "fo" | "fo-fo" | "fr" | "fr-be" | "fr-ca" | "fr-ch" | "fr-fr" | "fr-lu" | "fr-mc" | "fy" | "ga" | "gd" | "gl" | "gl-es" | "gn" | "gu" | "gu-in" | "gv" | "ha" | "he" | "he-il" | "hi" | "hi-in" | "ho" | "hr" | "hr-hr" | "ht" | "hu" | "hu-hu" | "hy" | "hy-am" | "hz" | "ia" | "id" | "id-id" | "ie" | "ig" | "ii" | "ik" | "io" | "is" | "is-is" | "it" | "it-ch" | "it-it" | "iu" | "ja" | "ja-jp" | "jv" | "ka" | "ka-ge" | "kg" | "ki" | "kj" | "kk" | "kk-kz" | "kl" | "km" | "km-kh" | "kn" | "kn-in" | "ko" | "ko-kr" | "kok-in" | "kr" | "ks" | "ku" | "kv" | "kw" | "ky" | "ky-kz" | "la" | "lb" | "lg" | "li" | "ln" | "lo" | "lo-la" | "lt" | "lt-lt" | "lu" | "lv" | "lv-lv" | "mg" | "mh" | "mi" | "mi-nz" | "mk" | "mk-mk" | "ml" | "mn" | "mn-mn" | "mr" | "mr-in" | "ms" | "ms-bn" | "ms-my" | "mt" | "my" | "na" | "nb" | "nb-no" | "nd" | "ne" | "ng" | "nl" | "nl-be" | "nl-nl" | "nn" | "nn-no" | "no" | "nr" | "nv" | "ny" | "ny-mw" | "oc" | "oj" | "om" | "or" | "os" | "pa" | "pa-in" | "pi" | "pl" | "pl-pl" | "ps" | "pt" | "pt-br" | "pt-pt" | "qu" | "rm" | "rn" | "ro" | "ro-ro" | "ru" | "ru-ru" | "rw" | "sa" | "sa-in" | "sc" | "sd" | "se" | "sg" | "si" | "sk" | "sk-sk" | "sl" | "sl-sl" | "sm" | "sn" | "so" | "sq" | "sq-al" | "sr" | "sr-cyrl-rs" | "sr-latn-rs" | "ss" | "st" | "su" | "sv" | "sv-fi" | "sv-se" | "sw" | "sw-tz" | "syr-sy" | "ta" | "ta-in" | "te" | "te-in" | "tg" | "th" | "th-th" | "ti" | "tk" | "tl" | "tn" | "to" | "tr" | "tr-tr" | "ts" | "tt" | "tt-ru" | "tw" | "ty" | "ug" | "uk" | "uk-ua" | "ur" | "ur-pk" | "uz" | "uz-cyrl-uz" | "uz-latn-uz" | "ve" | "vi" | "vi-vn" | "vo" | "wa" | "wo" | "xh" | "yi" | "yo" | "za" | "zh" | "zh-chs" | "zh-cht" | "zh-cn" | "zh-hk" | "zh-mo" | "zh-sg" | "zh-tw" | "zu" | "zu-za"

  1. Use the Holition Beauty CMS to configure button icons, copy and enabled features
    To use the CMS configuration the configuration-id iFrame parameter, described above, must be supplied with a valid config ID (found from the CMS administration control panel)

_[NB. URL parameters take priority over CMS settings.

Step 2. Configuring make up products and looks

The second step is to set-up the virtual products in our CMS. This includes setting product images (thumbnails and packshots), names, descriptions and also the colour calibrations of the products themselves. To access the CMS please goto the portal cms. For assistance with calibration please see our Portal Guide]_


The web-app allows for both dynamic control (actions) and real-time event reporting (events) to and from the parent host page.


To listen to all internal events from the iframe just add the following script to your page, which will subscribe to events from the iFrame:

// Add window event listener functions
if (window.addEventListener) {
  window.addEventListener('load', handleForm, false);
  window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, false);

// Subscribe to events when iFrame has loaded
function handleForm() {
  // Subscribe to events
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;

// Handle events messages
function handleMessage(e) {
  if (e.origin !== '') {

  const event =;
  // [Respond to event messages here]
    `FaceSDK Event: component[${event.component}] type[${event.type}] data:`,

Upon subscription an event will be returned with the current SDK version number as follows:

interface Event {
  version: string;

Event responses are JSON formated as follows:

interface Event {
    | 'shade_finder'
    | 'face_scan'
    | 'slider'
    | 'photo'
    | 'products'
    | 'sdk'
    | 'image_upload';
    | 'shade_finder_button_click'
    | 'shade_result'
    | 'shade_match'
    | 'recommended_products'
    | 'image_quality_completed'
    | 'select_range'
    | 'scan_progress'
    | 'scan_results'
    | 'scan_button_click'
    | 'slider_button_click'
    | 'slider_thumb_drag'
    | 'close_photo_button_click'
    | 'save_photo_button_click'
    | 'photo_button_click'
    | 'photo_captured'
    | 'select_product'
    | 'select_look'
    | 'select_filter'
    | 'initialised'
    | 'face_tracked'
    | 'camera_access'
    | 'feed_error'
    | 'critical_error'
    | 'error'
    | 'add_basket'
    | 'info_view_all'
    | 'info_view'
    | 'info_close'
    | 'info_button'
    | 'image_select'
    | 'live_launch'
    | 'image_align_click'
    | 'finish_image_align'
    | 'static_launch'
    | 'filtered_products'
    | 'data_loaded'
    | 'select_vtoggle'
    | 'dwell_product'
    | 'dwell_look'
    | 'take_photo_launch'
    | 'thumbnails_generated'
    | 'loading_complete';
  data: any | null;


All face-scan related events have event_component set to face_scan.

Getting Results

The result of the face scan

interface Event {
  component: 'face_scan';
  type: 'scan_results';
  data: {
    results: {
      eyeColor: 'black' | 'blue' | 'brown' | 'green' | 'grey';
      eyeShape: 'almond' | 'downturned' | 'rounded' | 'upturned';
      eyebrowShape: 'high_arch' | 'straight' | 'thick';
      faceShape: 'heart' | 'oval' | 'rounded' | 'square';
      lipCoverage: 'full' | 'medium' | 'thin';
      percentage: number;
      skinTone: 'fair' | 'light' | 'light_medium' | 'medium' | 'medium_tan' | 'tan_deep' | 'deep' |
Seeing Progress

The progress of the face-scan

interface Event {
  component: 'face_scan';
  type: 'scan_progress';
  data: {
    progress: number;
Notified When Starting

User has started the face scan experience

interface Event {
  component: 'face_scan';
  type: 'scan_button_click';
  data: null;


Notified When Starting

User has started the shade finder experience.

interface Event {
  type: 'shade_finder_button_click';
  component: 'shade_finder';
  data: null;
Image Quality has completed

User has started shade finder and image quality has detected a good quality frame.

interface Event {
  type: 'image_quality_completed';
  component: 'shade_finder';
  data: null;
AI model completed its analysis

Image quality and shade finder have completed and the ai model has returned its prediction

interface Event {
  type: 'shade_result';
  component: 'shade_finder';
  data: { itaValue: number };
AI model found foundation match

Image quality and shade finder have completed and found a foundation match

interface Event {
  type: 'shade_match';
  component: 'shade_finder';
  data: {
    // List of ordered list of filtered products
    products: [
        // Unique CMS ID
        id: string;
        status: 'active' | 'inactive';
        schema: {};
        set: {};
        group: {};
        meta: {};
        region: {};
        data: {};
        rendering: {};
    // Index to matched product
    match: number;
    // Index to lighter matched product
    lighter: number;
    // Index to darker matched product
    darker: number;
Shade finder recommended products

User completing the shade finder experience and has been recommended products

interface Event {
  type: 'recommended_products';
  component: 'shade_finder';
  data: {
    // User recommended multiple products
    product: [
        // Unique CMS ID
        id: string;
        status: 'active' | 'inactive';
        schema: {};
        set: {};
        group: {};
        meta: {};
        region: {};
        data: {};
        rendering: {};

Slider interaction

All slider related events have event_component set to slider.

Slider Start

User activating slider

interface Event {
  component: 'slider';
  type: 'slider_button_click';
  data: {
    enabled: boolean;
    product: {
      // Unique CMS ID
      id: string;
      status: 'active' | 'inactive';
      schema: {};
      set: {};
      group: {};
      meta: {};
      region: {};
      data: {};
      rendering: {};
    look: {
      self: {
        // Unique CMS ID for look
        id: string;
        schema: {};
        set: {};
        group: {};
        meta: {};
        region: {};
        status: 'active' | 'inactive';
        data: {};
        rendering: {};
      // List of products included in look
      products: [];
Slider Drag

User sliding the slider

interface Event {
  component: 'slider';
  type: 'slider_thumb_drag';
  data: {
    // slider position (ranging from 0 - 1 | left - right)
    position: number;


All photo related events have event_component set to photo.

Take-A-Photo Start

User activating take-a-photo

interface Event {
  component: 'photo';
  type: 'photo_button_click';
  data: {
    product: {
      // Unique CMS ID
      id: string;
      status: 'active' | 'inactive';
      schema: {};
      set: {};
      group: {};
      meta: {};
      region: {};
      data: {};
      rendering: {};
    look: {
      self: {
        // Unique CMS ID for look
        id: string;
        schema: {};
        set: {};
        group: {};
        meta: {};
        region: {};
        status: 'active' | 'inactive';
        data: {};
        rendering: {};
      // List of products included in look
      products: [];
Close Photo Display

User closed photo display overlay

interface Event {
  component: 'photo';
  type: 'close_photo_button_click';
  data: null;
Save Photo Display

User saved photo to device

interface Event {
  component: 'photo';
  type: 'save_photo_button_click';
  data: null;
Photo Captured

Photo captured

interface Event {
  component: 'photo';
  type: 'photo_captured';
  data: base64;
Generate Thumbnails

User thumbnails were generated

interface Event {
  component: 'photo';
  type: 'thumbnails_generated';
  data: {
    images: [// List of 9 base64 images];

Product Events

All product, range or look selection events have event_component set to products.

Product Selected

User selected a product

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'select_product';
  data: {
    product: {
      // Unique CMS ID
      id: string;
      status: 'active' | 'inactive';
      schema: {};
      set: {};
      group: {};
      meta: {};
      region: {};
      data: {};
      rendering: {};
Dwell Product

User dwell time on selected product

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'dwell_product';
  data: {
    product: {
      // Unique CMS ID
      id: string;
      status: 'active' | 'inactive';
      schema: {};
      set: {};
      group: {};
      meta: {};
      region: {};
      data: {};
      rendering: {};
    dwell: number;
Range Selected

User selected a range

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'select_range';
  data: {
    product: {
      // Unique CMS ID
      id: string;
      status: 'active' | 'inactive';
      schema: {};
      set: {};
      group: {};
      meta: {};
      region: {};
      data: {};
      rendering: {};
Filtered Product List

Filtered product list based on face-scan results

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'filtered_products';
  data: {
    products: [];
Product Information View Selected

User activated product info view

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'info_view';
  data: {
    product: {
      // Unique CMS ID
      id: string;
      status: 'active' | 'inactive';
      schema: {};
      set: {};
      group: {};
      meta: {};
      region: {};
      data: {};
      rendering: {};
Product Information View Closed

User closed product info view

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'info_close';
  data: {
    product: {
      // Unique CMS ID
      id: string;
      status: 'active' | 'inactive';
      schema: {};
      set: {};
      group: {};
      meta: {};
      region: {};
      data: {};
      rendering: {};
Product View all products

Return to the virtual try on and view all products

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'info_view_all';
  data: null;
Product Added to Basket

User chose to add current product to basket

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'add_basket';
  data: {
    product: {
      // Unique CMS ID
      id: string;
      status: 'active' | 'inactive';
      schema: {};
      set: {};
      group: {};
      meta: {};
      region: {};
      data: {};
      rendering: {};
Filter Selected

User selected a product filter

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'select_filter';
  data: {
      | 'blusher'
      | 'bronzer'
      | 'lipstick'
      | 'lipliner'
      | 'eyeshadow'
      | 'eyeliner'
      | 'foundation'
      | 'concealer'
      | 'eyebrow'
      | 'masacara';
VToggle Selected

User selected to toggle between product and looks

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'select_vtoggle';
  data: {
    vtoggle: 'products' | 'looks';

Look Events

All product, range or look selection events have event_component set to products.

Look Information View Selected

User activated look info view

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'info_view';
  data: {
    look: {
      self: {
        // Unique CMS ID for look
        id: string;
        schema: {};
        set: {};
        group: {};
        meta: {};
        region: {};
        status: 'active' | 'inactive';
        data: {};
        rendering: {};
      // List of products included in look
      products: [];
Look Information View Closed

User closed look info view

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'info_close';
  data: {
    look: {
      self: {
        // Unique CMS ID for look
        id: string;
        schema: {};
        set: {};
        group: {};
        meta: {};
        region: {};
        status: 'active' | 'inactive';
        data: {};
        rendering: {};
      // List of products included in look
      products: [];
Look Added to Basket

User chose to add current look to basket

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'add_basket';
  data: {
    look: {
      self: {
        // Unique CMS ID for look
        id: string;
        schema: {};
        set: {};
        group: {};
        meta: {};
        region: {};
        status: 'active' | 'inactive';
        data: {};
        rendering: {};
      // List of products included in look
      products: [];
Look Selected

User selected a look

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'select_look';
  data: {
    look: {
      self: {
        // Unique CMS ID for look
        id: string;
        schema: {};
        set: {};
        group: {};
        meta: {};
        region: {};
        status: 'active' | 'inactive';
        data: {};
        rendering: {};
      // List of products included in look
      products: [];
Dwell Look

User dwell time for selected look

interface Event {
  component: 'products';
  type: 'dwell_look';
  data: {
    look: {
      self: {
        // Unique CMS ID for look
        id: string;
        schema: {};
        set: {};
        group: {};
        meta: {};
        region: {};
        status: 'active' | 'inactive';
        data: {};
        rendering: {};
      // List of products included in look
      products: [];
    dwell: number;

SDK Status

All SDK related events have event_component set to sdk.

SDK Initialised

SDK has initialised

interface Event {
  component: 'sdk';
  type: 'initialised';
  data: {
    status: boolean;
Face Tracked

User face detected and tracked

interface Event {
  component: 'sdk';
  type: 'face_tracked';
  data: {
    status: boolean;
Camera Access

Has user camera access been aquired

interface Event {
  component: 'sdk';
  type: 'camera_access';
  data: {
    status: boolean;
Camera Feed Error

Camera has failed to start correctly

interface Event {
  component: 'sdk';
  type: 'feed_error';
  data: null;
Internal SDK Error

All internal FaceSDK errors - see SDK docuementation for more information

interface Event {
  component: 'sdk';
  type: 'error';
  data: {
    error: any;
Critical Error

FaceSDK has experienced a critical error relating to hardware/browser incompatability.

interface Event {
  component: 'sdk';
  type: 'critical_error';
  data: {
    error: any;
Info Button Clicked

General information button clicked

interface Event {
  component: 'sdk';
  type: 'info_button';
  data: null;

Static Image Upload

All image upload related events have event_component set to image_upload.

Select Image

User asked to select an image to upload

interface Event {
  component: 'image_upload';
  type: 'image_select';
  data: null;
Live Launch

SDK was launched with live camera view

interface Event {
  component: 'image_upload';
  type: 'live_launch';
  data: null;
Take Photo Launch

SDK was launched to take a photo

interface Event {
  component: 'image_upload';
  type: 'take_photo_launch';
  data: null;
Align Image

User clicked to button to align uploaded image (scale | flip | rotate)

interface Event {
  component: 'image_upload';
  type: 'image_align_click';
  data: {
    scale: number;
    flipV: boolean;
    flipH: boolean;
    rotate: number;
Finish Alignment

User has finished aligning the image

interface Event {
  component: 'image_upload';
  type: 'finish_image_align';
  data: null;
Static Launch

SDK was launched with a static image

interface Event {
  component: 'image_upload';
  type: 'static_launch';
  data: null;

Data Loaded

FaceSDK has loaded product data correctly

interface Event {
  component: 'sdk';
  data: null;
  type: 'data_loaded';

SDK Loading Complete

FaceSDK has completed loading code and aquired camera

interface Event {
  component: 'sdk';
  data: null;
  type: 'loading_complete';


The iframe can be remotely controlled by sending actions in to it.

interface Action {
  command: string;
  data: any | null;

Set Product

Send the below action to set the active product

interface Action {
  command: 'set_product';
  data: {
    id: string;
      | 'cms-id'
      | 'SKU'
      | 'EAN'
      | 'UPC'
      | 'GTIN'
      | 'ASIN'
      | 'Shade'
      | 'Range'
      | 'Other';
    secondary: boolean; // optional


// Set active product
function setProduct(productId, idType) {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'set_product',
    data: {
      id: productId,
      idType: idType,
      secondary: false,

Set Product Variant

Send the below action to set the active product via product variant id

interface Action {
  command: 'set_product_variant';
  data: {
    id: string;
    region: 'us' | 'eu';
    secondary: boolean; // optional


// Set active product by variant id
function setProductVariant(productId, regionType) {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'set_product_variant',
    data: {
      id: productId,
      region: regionType,
      secondary: false,

Set Look

Send the below action to set the active look

interface Action {
  command: 'set_look';
  data: {
    id: string;
    secondary: boolean; // optional


// Set active look
function setLook(lookId) {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'set_look',
    data: {
      id: lookId,
      secondary: false,

Build Look

Send the below action to build a look from a set of products

type IdentifierType =
  | 'cms-id'
  | 'sku'
  | 'ean'
  | 'upc'
  | 'gtin'
  | 'asin'
  | 'shade'
  | 'range'
  | 'other';

interface ItemIdentifier {
  readonly type: IdentifierType;
  readonly value: string;

interface Action {
  command: 'build_look';
  data: {
    ids: ItemIdentifier[];
    secondary: boolean; // optional


// Set dynamic look
function buildLook(items: ItemIdentifier[]) {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'build_look',
    data: {
      ids: items,
      secondary: false,

Take Picture

Request picture be taken

interface Action {
  command: 'take_picture';
  data: {};


// Take picture
function takePicture() {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'take_picture',
    data: {},

Pause SDK

Request SDK stop processing and go into idle state

interface Action {
  command: 'pause';
  data: {};


// Pause SDK
function pauseSDK() {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'pause',
    data: {},

Play SDK

Request SDK restart processing and leave idle state

interface Action {
  command: 'play';
  data: {};


// PLay SDK
function playSDK() {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'play',
    data: {},

Set Live Camera Feed

Request SDK start using live camera feed

interface Action {
  command: 'set_camera';
  data: {};


// Set to live camera
function liveCamera() {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'set_camera',
    data: {},

Set Foundation Thickness

Change applied foundation thickness. Thickness value ranges from -1 to 1, such that -1 is no foundation and 1 is maximum product thickness. A thickness of 0.0 equates to the original calibrated foundation product thickness

interface Action {
  command: 'set_foundation_thickness';
  data: {
    thickness: number;
    secondary: boolean; // optional


// Set currently applied foundation thickness
function setFoundation(thickness) {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'set_foundation_thickness',
    data: {
      thickness: thickness,
      secondary: false,

Set Mascara Mask

Change applied mascara mask. The mask is provided as a URL to an mask image

interface Action {
  command: 'set_mascara_mask';
  data: {
    mask: string;
    secondary: boolean; // optional


// Set currently applied mascara mask
function setMascaraMask(mask) {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'set_mascara_mask',
    data: {
      mask: mask,
      secondary: false,

Start Shade-Finder

Request SDK start shade-finder

interface Action {
  command: 'shade_finder';
  data: [
    // List of strings to filter CMS foundation catalogue
    // * If enpty [] all foundation products are included
    // * Filtering based on custom Auxiliary field in CMS named "Product Line"
    // * Not case sensitive


// Start shade-finder
function shadeFinder() {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'shade_finder',
    data: ['Example Foundation Line Name'],

Start Face-Scan

Request SDK start face-scan

interface Action {
  command: 'scan_start';
  data: {};


// Start face-scan
function startScan() {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'scan_start',
    data: {},

Stop Face-Scan

Request SDK stop face-scan

interface Action {
  command: 'scan_stop';
  data: {};


// Stop face-scan
function stopScan() {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'scan_stop',
    data: {},

Colour Tint

Colour tint the output visualisation

interface Action {
  command: 'set_tint';
  data: {
    tint: {
      colour: {
        red: number; // 0-255
        green: number; // 0-255
        blue: number; // 0-255
      intensity: number; // 0-1


// Tint output colour
function colourTint() {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'set_tint',
    data: {
      tint: {
        colour: {
          red: 255,
          green: 0,
          blue: 0,
        intensity: 0.2,

Reset Static Start

Resets state of experience to the static start options

interface Action {
  command: 'reset_static_start';
  data: {}


// Reset static start
function resetStaticStart() {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'reset_static_start',
    data: {},

Generate Thumbnails

Generates 9 swatches using users image and 90 different look

type IdentifierType =
  | 'cms-id'
  | 'sku'
  | 'ean'
  | 'upc'
  | 'gtin'
  | 'asin'
  | 'shade'
  | 'range'
  | 'other';

interface ItemIdentifier {
  readonly type: IdentifierType;
  readonly value: string;

interface Action {
  command: 'set_thumbnail';
  data: {
    products: [


// Generate Thumbnails
function generateThumbnails(products: [ItemIdentifier[]]) {
  var win = document.getElementById('facesdk').contentWindow;
  const sendToFaceSdk = (action) =>

    command: 'set_thumbnail',
    data: {
      products: products,